14 and 15 November 2022, Te Papa Tongarewa, 55 Cable Street, Wellington
The conference recordings (of those who gave permission) are ready for you to view. The videos are accessible by password which has been emailed out to all conference attendees. If you have any questions, please contact us on kaimahi@toah-nnest.org.nz

Welcome to the TOAH-NNEST National Sexual Violence Conference
TOAH-NNEST are excited to bring to you our National Sexual Violence Conference, happening (after a few interruptions) in November 2022.
Our conference theme of Ka tūhonohono, ka anga whakamua – Coming together, moving forward is based around the well-known whakataukī.
“Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi”.
“With your basket and my basket, we will sustain everyone”.
This whakataukī acknowledges that shared accountability within communities is important and emphasizes that we can achieve more working together than if we work alone.
The kaupapa of this conference is to whanaungatanga (build relationships), workshop, share knowledge and be informed from specialists in this sector. It is hoped that this years’ Conference will provide a unique convergence of networking, learning, inspiring cultural practice, discussions, conversations, and increased knowledge and experience, alongside new and renewed connections.
TOAH-NNEST is founded upon Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the belief that the mahi cannot be done alone and that we must work collaboratively to achieve the total elimination of mahi tūkino.
6 Days to go and a few things to note....
There will be a pōwhiri to start the conference. Please meet at the foyer in Te Papa by 7.40am
The registration desk will open after the pōwhiri
Those who have confirmed dinner attendance will receive a ticket at registration. You must have a ticket to attend dinner
Looking forward to seeing you all kanohi ki te kanohi :)
Kia hiwa rā, Kia hiwa rā
We are priviledged to offer Mirimiri sesssions during the conference. These are available by appointment only – you can find out more information at the registration desk!

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